His Wings Ranch

What we do

Take a tour of what we do for kids at the ranch

Horse Therapy

Horses help Kids who have been through trauma as well as emotionally challenged kids to begin to express themselves and establish trust by connecting with animals. We offer equine assisted physical therapy, therapeutic riding, and equine assisted activities for children who have suffered from childhood trauma , including, abandonment, neglect, abuse and domestic violence.
In addition we provide therapy dogs that are similar to seeing eye-dogs but attuned to assist emotionally challenged kids. 


Special needs kids have very limited ranges of motion as well as dramatic physical limitations through congenial conditions and chromazonal abnormalities. We provide physical and occupational therapy for them. In addition physically handicapped kids confined to wheelchairs have limited experience with their proprioceptive systems needed to orient them in space and regulate their sensory processing systems. These are things typically developing kids automatically regulate through play in a fully functioning physical body.

Specialist Referrals

A number of the kids come to us with severe health challenges that have been with them since birth. We arrange to take them to neurologists, cardiologists, pediatricians, ophalmologists, dentists and more. We complete the paperwork on their behalf to request major surgical assistance without medical cost through the limited grants available through Shriner’s hospital in Pasadena and “Fresh Start Surgical Gifts”. We also make Visa and and transport arrangements and accommodations for the kids to travel with their parents to the United States to receive care before coming back to Mexico. We offer temporary stays here at the ranch for very fragile children recovering from illness or surgeries.

WheelChair Ministry

We provide kids with wheelchairs, arm braces and walkers throughout their development. Kids grow and their needs change resulting in a range of devices needed to match their progress. We have a wheelchair workshop which allows us to repair and repurpose chairs and braces to meet the needs of the kids.  Because Mexican roads are dirty, muddy and potholed rather than flat and paved, heavy duty equipment with large wheels and stable bases are required. 

Family Assistance

We provide family assistance so parents can support their own children. Keeping families with special needs kids together is our calling. In Mexico there is cultural pressure to put special needs kids in orphanages. Instead we help parents to take care of their own children by helping establish basic housing, providing food and supplies and coordinating daycare so parents can work. We also offer a youth center where adolescent kids can connect with one another in a healthy and safe social environment after school. 


We provide education to special needs kids in our recently added portables. In Mexico these children are simply not served in the public school system. The newly formed special needs classroom at His Wings Ranch are the only option for local kids with needs. In addition we provide catch up tutoring for developmentally delayed children so that they can integrate back into the public school system. 

Check out the Facilities