His Wings Ranch

Medical Assistance

Surgical Gifts: Current Situation

Some of our kids have severe health challenges. We have a relationship with Shriner’s hospital in Pasadena and “Fresh Start Surgical Gifts” to get these kids medical attention in the US without medical cost. We apply for assistance from these programs and have had success getting our kids life changing surgeries.
 It is exciting when our kids are approved of for these surgical gifts. To activate the hospital’s generosity requires that a 3 part logistics plan be put into place. This involves 3 main steps:
  • Applying and Paying for a passport (Cost of $175) and Visa ($180)
  • Arranging and paying for a plane flight for the child and an accompanying adult chaperone ($1,000 – $2,000 or Frequent Flyer Miles)
  • Assistance with transport to the airport form the border
  • A host family at the destination city to stay with in the united states before the surgery and for the caregiver to stay at before release.
We can use assistance with the passport cost, plane fare as well as a connection to a generous host family.
The main cities where surgeries take place are Pasadena, Philadelphia, Portland (OR), Salt Lake City and Chicago. An average stay is 7 days with the child at the house for 1 to 2 days and the chaparone staying for the entire 7 days.

Challenges The Kids Face

Potential For Joy

Supporting Kids Locally in Mexico

We currently have several kids that require regular medical attention. One of the benefits of being in Baja is that medical care is much more affordable than in the United States meaning a little financial support goes a long way. 

One of these kids is Melinna.

She is the inspiration behind the graphic for our Logo. Melinna is disabled, in a wheelchair with kidney failure. She needs to have regular dialysis and at times be placed on a ventilator. It is heartbreaking to see a little girl come into this world with so many undeserved challenges. Fortunately, together we can help her.
What Melinna Needs
We’d like to be able to bring Melinna to the Ranch to offer her a better quality of life than she is experiencing laying in a hospital bed. To do so requires 24/7 care which can be implemented with 3 caregivers. One for the day, one for the night and one for the weekends at an estimated total cost of $1200 a month for the 3.  


4 Ways To Help


Click this box to be taken to our "Commission to Every Nation" tax deductible donation portal. You can also email Sue with the link below to let her know how you'd like your donation to be used.

Amazon Wish List

Have your online purchase delivered for free to our San Diego storage address for future pickup. Needs are always changing. Click this Box to be taken to Amazon to find an item you would like to give.

Help with plane flights

These kids are so close to receiving life saving surgeries. Perhaps you or someone you knows has some frequent flyer miles or credit with an airline that you are inspired to gift.

Referral to a Friend

Perhaps you have a friend who lives in Pasadena, Chicago, Philadelphia, Portland or Salt Lake City and is close to the facilities where the kids receive treatment. Send them a link to this page and let us know if you'd like us to help make contact by copying Sue on the email or requesting assistance via the email button below.