Making Great Progress For the Kids

Celebration of Life

The service was held in a recently donated portable building and led by pastor Juan Flores who is familiar with grief from the passing of his own young child.

All Photos taken by Bernardo Salado Alba at His Wings Ranch
A song for Valentina and Lizeth was written and performed by Jorge, who takes care of the physical therapy horses at the ranch. Sue Fasino’s husband Johnny played drums while those in attendance sang along with the words (printed and translated at the end of this post).

When the indoor portion of the service concluded, those in attendance gathered on the new basketball court with balloons in hand.

They comforted one another while singing along with Jorge and Yoshira playing guitar.

The pastor shared words of reassurance that Valentina and Lizeth were free from suffering and that “we would see them again”.

The group collectively thanked the lord Jesus, and as they released their balloons and turned their gaze upward towards heaven they worshipped and broke out into song.
Video taken by Sue Fasino at His Wings Ranch
Translated Lyrics to the song are below as well as the original document in Spanish.
Under Your Wings
When I Need You Most
I Know That I Can Cry Out to You
When I Need You Most
I Know That You Listen to Me
I Count on You
You Are My Faithful Friend.
When I Need You Most
I Know I Can Trust You
When I Need You Most
I Count on You as My Most Faithful Friend
Faithful Are You, Jesus Christ
Faithful Are You My Lord
I Know That It is You Who Sustains Me
I Know That It’s You Who Protects Me
And Under His Wings I Want to Be Sheltered Forever.
When I Need You Most
I Know I Can Find You
When I Need You Most
I Know, You’re With Me
I Count on You
Lyrics and Music by Jorge at His Wings Ranch