His Wings Ranch

Builders & Materials

Builders and Materials – How They Help Kids:
Structures get special needs kids off of the dirt and out of the sun so that they can learn and receive therapy.  Just two years ago the ranch was just bare ground. Serving kids has meant pouring concrete foundations, building structures, setting up local solar, building corrals, putting in portable classroom buildings. It takes both labor and materials to create a place to help the kids.
Current Situation
Much of the infrastructure is now in place resulting in more manageable and targeted projects that quickly benefit the kids. Most recent projects include building ramps and stairs to access the portables and main house. Also fixing the roofs and skylights of the portable classrooms recently moved down to the ranch. There are painting, fencing, electrical and building projects queued up both on the ranch and on the family structures next door. 
Projects Needing Construction Assistance 
  • Fill holes by trampoline pit
  • Install Solar on Portable Classrooms
  • Build wheelchair walkway to main house
  • Install safety fencing
  • Build Casita ramp
  • Fix Portable roofs
  • Fix Portable skylights
  • Install window screens
  • Paint Portables 
Material We Need:
  • Concrete Mix and Gravel ($500) 
  • Chainlink Fence and posts  ($1,500)
  • Asphalt Roof Shingles $500 
  • Screens for portables ($300) 
  • Paint for Portables ($300)
  • Lattice Skirting for portables ($400)

Come Build With Us

Projects At The Ranch

4 Ways To Help


Click this box to be taken to our "Commission to Every Nation" tax deductible donation portal. You can also email Sue with the link below to let her know how you'd like your donation to be used.


We are only 90 miles south of the border. We partner with a nearby church where you can spend the night in a clean and comfortable dorm room with a hot shower and cooked meals at the on site cafeteria. There is even a view of the bay from the hilltop location. Checkout the video above.

Direct Donation of Needed Items

If you have construction items that you think would be helpful we would love to hear from you. Small items like deck screws, nails, conduit and romex and brackets can make it across the border without triggering excessive tax. Other larger items that we can get in Ensenada like plywood and 2 by 4s are tougher to transport and store and can incur high taxes upon crossing the border. Click the button below to send an email to Sue to see if she can use what you have. We may be able to have a logistics volunteer come to your house to pickup items to bring to your Chula Vista storage space.

Referral to a Friend

Perhaps you have a friend who is handy or great at building. Or perhaps you'd like to come down with friends for a group trip. Send them a link to this page and let us know if you'd like us to help make contact by copying Sue on the email or requesting assistance via the email button below.

Photos of Projects To Build